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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/25/2006
(978) 374-1863  FAX  (978) 372-6105

October 25, 2006

Meeting opened 7:25 pm.  

Present:  M. Dempsey, J. Termini, T. Schaefer, S. Benanti, J. Stewart

ConCom Business – 33R Seven Star Rd. – Request for Extension
Present:  Brian Lynch

Was originally for 2001, for a single family home.  Brian Lynch filed before the 3 year deadline. B. Lynch said the reason he is requesting the extension is that they purchased the lot three years ago. Within weeks after the purchase, they received a stop-work order because of an issue with an abutter.  He was then in “legal limbo” with land court for three years and were not able to perform work on the lot until resolved.  He said they bought the property with variance in hand, however, the variance lapsed.  The Building Permit then got pulled and no work has been done.  B. Lynch is asking for the standard maximum extension  because his lawyers say it could be a couple more years (‘til resolved).  J. Termini asked that his orders be amended to include a preconstruction meeting 7 days prior. M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom extend the Order of Conditions for three years for 33 R Seven Star Road with the addition of a preconstruction addendum to the original.  J. Termini 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  B. Lynch asked if he needed to re-register with the Registry of Deeds?  M. Dempsey said he will look into the it.  

186 Washington St. – GNOI/NOI
B. Gorski; J. Gorski; M. Steinel, Millennium Enginneering

DEP #030-0373. Hearing opened 7:34 pm.  Received green cards and tear sheets.  Submitted plans for a Single Family Home.  Matt Steinel, representing the Gorski’s, said the project is construction of single family home and related septic system.  A portion lies within fill from driveway fill from septic.  There is a small amount of fill that will be utilized.  The total area of impact would be in the outer 50’ of the 250’.  The buffer from Johnson’s Pond is vegetative area woodlands across the street as well as the actual road.   They have received BOH approval.  He is proposing silt fence at the base of hill for erosion control and says that the road is a buffer zone and work.  

J. Termini asked if there were drains in area?  M. Steinel said their surveyors did not locate any.  Mathew Steinel said the septic would be a gravity system.  M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom close the hearing and issue a permit and Order of Conditions for it.  J. Termini 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 7:50 pm.   

368 Main St. – NOI/GNOI – Reconstruction of Previously Existing Revetment.
Present:  Tony Capachetti, Christiansen & Sergi; Peter Staples

Hearing opened 7:53 pm.  Received green cards and tear sheets.  DEP# 030-0374.  Tony Capachetti from Christensen & Sergi, said the project involves a small parcel on the river.  There is an existing concrete retaining wall holding up parking area.  Last May, the wall failed and started to wash away, and continues to erode from the rains.  They would like to like to replace the wall with a design rip rap revetment to maintain the slope and stop the erosion into the river, and clean out the debris that has fallen in since last May.  He said he consulted with Mike Able, DEP, and was told this type of work should be done during low flow situation in the late fall.  They would like to construct it over the winter and by next spring, the aquatic grasses won’t be affected.  

He is proposing to install 2-1 rip rap slope, designed using HEC 11 (hydraulic engineering #11) for a rip rap revetment design.  Construction sequence would be to go out during low tide and remove the debris, install the barrier, create a base.  The next day, install the filter fabric during low tide, and then put the rip rap over slope.  Then the final grading would be done afterwards. It’s a 2-3 day process.  Small area -  125’.  J. Termini asked P. Staples if he intended to better himself (gain more property) by this.  P. Staples, said no,  he’s not extending it at all, just trying to do the repair.

M. Dempsey asked when he would like to do the work.  T. Capachetti said they are waiting to hear from clearance from Natural Heritage, water quality and Chapter 91 waterways license.  The project is not extending into the channel, no moorings, no dock.  T. Schaefer asked if there would be any impact to the abutters?  T. Capachetti said they’re staying on their own property, but if the neighbor is open to working on his property, may tie rip rap onto his property.  T. Capachetti said the rip rap is a hefty, tight-locking system, designed to a government standard.      

M. Dempsey made a motion to continue the hearing until November 8, at 7:30 pm.  J. Stewart 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 8:09 pm.  

ConCom Business – 1 Main Street

DEP# 030-0372.  M. Dempsey made a motion to close the hearing on One Main St. and issue a permit.  J. Termini 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

ConCom Business – M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the minutes from October 18, 2006, as submitted.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  3 voted yes.  2 abstained.  Motion passed.     

ConCom Business – Town Forrest Crossing
Commissioners discussed correspondence received from Peter Ogren of Hayes Engineering.    

ConCom Business - 16 King St.

T. Grim has a 50’ tree behind his barn that he would like to remove.  The tree is dying and hazardous and may fall on the barn.  M. Dempsey will write a permit letter.  M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom allow T. Grim, 16 King St., to take down one tree at edge of wetlands.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.   

M. Dempsey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 pm.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Felch
Administrative Consultant